Our Real Food Journey

Welcome to Off the Farm Food! We are thankful to be on the real food journey with you and hope that our blog brings you insight and inspiration.
A passion of mine is knowing where my food comes from. I love planting a seed in my garden, watching it grow into food that my kids can pick and eat right off the vine, all while knowing exactly what is in the soil, seed and food. I was beyond excited to have the opportunity to see where our meat comes from, how it was raised and fed, and to personally meet the farmers. I am learning more each day about sustainable farming and how it directly influences our environment, the benefits of eating healthy animals that are raised ethically, and the importance of supporting local farms that take the time to farm responsibly. My hope is that by sharing this information that others will be empowered to learn where their food comes from and make healthy choices based on that information.
There is a story behind each and every product that Off the Farm offers, so stay tuned as I will be sharing those stories with you in future blogs. In the meantime, you can read more about the farms we have been partnered with for the past 5 years here.
I am blessed to be on this journey with you,
Jennifer Cowley